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Big Drought Makes for a Small 'Dead Zone' - NYTimes.com

Published on: 08/02/2012

In yet another display of the inexorable interdependence of Earth's ecosystems, a bad summer for Midwestern farmland has turned out to be a good one for life in the Gulf of Mexico.

Researchers from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium have found that this summer's hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico - the oxygen-devoid area of water colloquially known as the dead zone - covers one of the smallest areas recorded since scientists began measuring the hypoxic zone in 1985.

According to researchers who study hypoxia in the gulf, extra-dry weather in the corn belt is responsible for the small size of the hypoxic zone, which measures a little under 3,000 square miles - roughly two times the size of Long Island.

via Big Drought Makes for a Small 'Dead Zone' - NYTimes.com.

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