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NOAA Ocean Acidification Program Finds Supportive Partner in NCCOS

NCCOS-funded scientists working under the auspices of the NOAA Ocean Acidification (OA) Program were recently introduced to the internal research community at a special roll-out and open discussion at the Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. Three U.S. ocean acidification researchers were recently awarded NOAA Ocean Acidification Program extramural funding.

The roll-out introduced the awardees to the internal NOAA investigators to provide better perspective on what is going on across NOAA. There was a good discussion of how to integrate the extramural modeling with some of the internal NOAA monitoring and laboratory work. The meeting also provided internal NOAA investigators opportunities to update each other on the monitoring cruises from the past year, the experimental facilities at the regional Fisheries Science Centers, and various workshops supported by the Ocean Acidification Program over the past year (e.g., data management, international monitoring network, communications).

The NOAA OA Program is a partnership between NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, National Ocean Service, National Marine Fisheries Service and National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service. The program is national in scope and the research and monitoring requirements detailed in the OA Research Plan are designed to achieve tangible results.