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NCCOS Scientists Reinforce Collaboration with Native Communities and Environmental Managers in Alaska

Published on: 07/06/2011
Region(s) of Study: Foreign Countries

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science researchers briefed elders and interested residents in the native villages of Port Graham, Nanwalek and Seldovia, including an outreach presentation to high school students at Nanwalek, on the findings of recent research in the area.

The information presented included results from recent assessments and ongoing research on the magnitude and extent of sediment contamination and bioeffects in Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet, and assessments of the health and body burdens of local seafood species (clams and fish) in Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound.

They also briefed the leadership of the Kachemak Bay Estuarine Research Reserve, the Cook Inlet Keeper, the Kasitsna Bay Laboratory, and the City Manager and Harbor Master of Seldovia. Additional meetings with the NOAA Alaska Regional Coordinator and the CIRCAC Director of Science and Research were held to further develop strategic relationships between NOAA and regional research and monitoring organizations.

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