Two internationally acclaimed harmful algal bloom (HAB) researchers with NCCOS affiliations presented the third EPA Webinar Series to Build Awareness About Harmful Algal Blooms and Nutrient Pollution. Dr. Steve Morton of the Marine Biotoxins Program in Charleston, South Carolina teamed with Dr. Don Anderson of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts to air the August 20, 2013 presentation ‘How to Track a HAB: New Technologies and Methods for Identifying and Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms.’
Highlighting major outcomes of NOAA-funded HAB research in response to Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act legislation, Anderson and Morton described innovative methods for identifying algae and their blooms, and how government and research institutions and even the public can help monitor their outbreak and spread. The webinar audience included over 640 people from across the country, spanning federal and state government agencies, universities, NGOs, private companies, and the general public. The continuing EPA webinar series seeks to build awareness on the impact of nutrient pollution and harmful algal blooms on the environment.
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