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NCCOS and Maryland Sea Grant address Oyster Aquaculture Industry Challenges

This past November, a Maryland Sea Grant Shellfish Aquaculture Round Table convened in Annapolis, MD, with facilitating by NCCOS scientist Dr. Suzanne Bricker. Dr. Fredrika Moser, Director for Maryland Sea Grant, invited nearly 45 Maryland oyster growers to identify priority problem areas that are impediments to their industry. The oyster growers developed a list of topics, identified possible solutions and developed specific questions that could be developed into research projects in partnership with scientific researchers. The intent is to use research to address the challenges that are obstructions to expansion of the Maryland oyster aquaculture industry. There will be a complementary researcher round table in College Park, MD on January 10, 2018, where researchers will discuss the list of oyster grower priorities and potential research projects to address industry needs.

For more information contact Suzanne.Bricker@noaa.gov

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