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NCCOS Implements Fourteen New Sponsored Research Projects, Totaling Over $5.7 Million

In Fiscal Year 2011, the National Ocean Service’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) awarded nearly $5.8M to 14 new research projects under 6 different research programs. Projects were selected through a rigorous, competitive, peer-review process.

This cutting-edge research will provide the critical information and predictive capabilities required to manage the nation’s coastal resources in an ecosystem context.

  • Observations and Modeling of Narragansett Bay Hypoxia and Its Response to Nutrient Management
  • Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in North Carolina, Maps, Marshes and Management Applications
  • CIGUAHAB: Ciguatera Investigations in the Greater Caribbean Region: Ecophysiology, Population Connectivity, Forecasting, and Toxigenesis
  • Brevetoxin Metabolism and Physiology – A Freshwater Model of Morbidity in Endangered Sea Turtles
  • A Regional Comparison of Upwelling and Coastal Land Use Patterns on the Development of HAB Hotspots Along the California Coast
  • Species and Strain Differences in the Toxicity of Caribbean Gambierdiscus Species: Implications for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in the Caribbean
  • Monitoring, Forecasting, and Enhanced Response to PSP and DSP Events in New York Coastal Waters
  • HAB Detection Instrument Validation and Transition to State Monitoring Program
  • Incorporation of Environmental Sample Processor Technology into Gulf of Maine HAB Monitoring and Management
  • Implementation of an Operational Model for Prediction of Alexandrium fundyense Blooms in the Gulf of Maine
  • Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) Development: Targeting Cost Reductions, Robustness and an Improved User Interface
  • Biological Degradation of Microcystins: A First Step Towards Biofilters for High Efficiency Toxin Removal
  • Feasibility Study for Operational Regional Coastal Ecosystem Management Models
  • Population Connectivity of the Pulley Ridge-South Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem: Processes to Decision-Support Tools

In addition, NCCOS sponsors 36 continuing projects under 10 different research program areas for an overall FY 2011 funding total of about $16.5M. NCCOS’s programs and projects support NOAA’s Strategic Plan goals of (1) climate adaptation and mitigation, (2) healthy oceans, and (3) resilient coastal communities and economies. In addition, these NCCOS activities support the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Strategic Plan priorities of (1) harmful algal blooms, (2) coastal pollution, (3) climate impacts and (4) coastal and marine spatial planning.