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Marine Cage Aquaculture Report Addresses Environmental Concerns

The front cover of the NOAA report on offshore aquaculture using marine cages. Over 50 percent of seafood production globally comes from aquaculture. While technological innovation has made it possible to grow food in the coastal and open ocean, managers must weigh economic and food security benefits against environmental risks. A report, Marine Cage Culture and the Environment: Twenty-First Century Science Informing a Sustainable Industry, developed by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science analyzed environmental concerns and recommendations related to marine cage culture around the world.

Net pen aquaaculture in deep coastal waters. (Credit: NOAA)
Net pen aquaaculture in deep coastal waters. (Credit: NOAA)

The report finds that significant advancements in addressing these concerns by marine fish farm siting, monitoring, and management has occurred. The report concludes that proper coastal planning tools and environmental oversight can support sustainable growth of aquaculture in the coastal ocean, allowing much needed production of healthy seafood. For more information contact Carol.Price@noaa.gov or James.Morris@noaa.gov.