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2016 NOAA Bronze and Distinguished Career Awards Honor NCCOS Scientists

NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan presented the 2016 Bronze Medal and Distinguished Career Awards to esteemed recipients at a ceremony held atNOAA’s Silver Spring headquarters on May 24, 2016.IMG_0201[1]

The Bronze Medal Award is the highest honor award granted by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere; the Bronze Medal recognizes superior performance by federal employees.

NOAA’s Distinguished Career Award honors cumulative career achievement of sustained excellence, rather than a single defined accomplishment, in specific categories. Thisaward also recognizes significant accomplishments across all NOAA program areas and functions that have resulted in long- term benefits to our mission and strategic goals.

The following individuals and groups from NCCOS and partners at the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) were honored for their dedicated service to NOAA.

Bronze Medal Award for Response Activities for the Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom that Impacted Drinking Water Supplies in Ohio and Michigan

The Lake Erie HAB team is awarded Bronze Medal Award. credit J. Wickham)
The Lake Erie HAB team is presented a Bronze Medal Award.Credit: NOAA

Richard Stumpf (NCCOS)
Michelle Tomlinson (NCCOS)
Tim Wynne (NCCOS)
Marc Suddleson (NCCOS)
Quay Dortch (NCCOS)
Timothy Davis (OAR)
Duane Gossiaux (OAR)
Eric Anderson (OAR)
Steven Ruberg (OAR)
Margaret Lansing (OAR)
Tom Joyce (OAR)
Steve Constant (OAR)

Bronze Medal for Critical Leadership of the Northeast Coastal Acidification Network that Provided Authoritative Scientific Information to Regional Stakeholders

Elizabeth Turner (NCCOS) and Dwight Gledhill (OAR)

A capacity crows of family, friends and co-workers were on hand for the 2016 awards ceremony. (credit J. Wickham)
A capacity crowd of family, friends and co-workers were on hand for the 2016 awards ceremony.Credit: NOAA

Distinguished Career Award for Sustained Excellence in Developing and Leading Applied Scientific Research Programs Throughout 35 Years of Service to NOAA.

Michael J. Dowgiallo (NCCOS)

All employees of NCCOS and the National Ocean Service congratulate these individuals and groups for their awards and achievements.

For more information, contact Steven.Thur@noaa.gov.