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Gorstein, M., J. Loerzel, P. Edwards, A. Levine, and M. Dillard. 2018. National Coral Reef Monitoring Program Socioeconomic Monitoring Component: Summary Findings for Hawai'i, 2015. NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP 30. Silver Spring, MD. 69 pp. doi:10.7289/V5/TM-NOS-CRCP-30

Data/Report Type:

NOAA Technical Memorandum


This technical memorandum presents the findings from the initial Hawaiʻi NCRMP socioeconomic data collection. The report presents preliminary social indicators and provides examples of how composite indicators can be used to analyze changes over time in a long term setting. The main objective is to lay the groundwork for combining and comparing socioeconomic variables with a goal of developing meaningful composite indicators that can be used to examine trends in human dimensions of coral reef resources and better understand human influences on effective coral reef conservation. It should be noted that this report presents information that, in many instances, is being collected for the first time. In all instances, the information represents baseline socioeconomic data for the NCRMP. Some of the variables presented in this report identify gaps in information, and we provide suggestions on how these gaps can be addressed in the future.

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