Gulf of Maine Alexandrium catenella Predictive Models
Annual Alexandrium catenella blooms in the Gulf of Maine produce potent neurotoxins that accumulate in shellfish and cause Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) in human consumers. The following models have been developed to better predict and monitor these blooms and shellfish toxicity with the goal to minimize impacts to public health and coastal economies. See more information about our bloom monitoring imagery.

Gulf of Maine A. catenella Nowcast/Forecast Simulation
The experimental Gulf of Maine harmful algal bloom (the ‘red tide’) model provides real-time prediction of toxic Alexandrium catenella cells. Models include an animation showing surface wind fields and real-time bloom conditions.

Gulf of Maine A. catenella Dashboard
Weekly updated, real-time dashboard for the Alexandrium catenella. When available, the dashboard contains forecast of wind, modeled cell concentration, estimated cell concentration estimated from real-time ESPs, and observed shellfish toxicity.