Attendees ofthe 5th Interagency Conference for Research in Watersheds: ‘Headwaters to Estuaries: Advances in Watershed Science and Management’ held March 2-5 in North Charleston, SC were treated to facility tours of NCCOS’s Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Resarch (CCEHBR) and Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML).The conference provided a venue where ‘watershed scientists, stakeholders, and managers could share scientific advances and management strategies to sustain the country’s water resources’.

The tours at CCEHBR and HML highlighted NCCOS research in the areas of Stressor Impacts Mitigation and Restoration (Pollution, Harmful Algae) and Marine Spatial Ecology. The tour also provided the opportunity for attendees to observe the unique Federal, state, and academic partnership in place at the HML.
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