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Restoring Saginaw Bay: NCCOS Provides Managers Science-based Recommendations

On May 22, NCCOS researchers delivered a set of recommendations to state and federal natural resource managers and policy makers focused on addressing multiple contaminant stressors impacting Saginaw Bay, one of several critical areas of concern identified by the EPA for restorationin Lake Huron.

Findings from the 5-year project presentstate-of-the-science information on how stresses such as nutrient loading and invasive mussels interact with physical processes to impact the Bay’s water quality and beach conditions. This information will serve as the base for future nutrient loading and watershed management efforts.

The meeting, hosted by Michigan Sea Grant with NCCOS, will include a scoping session to help determine potential impediments to the implementation of the Report’s recommendations and identify remaining scientific knowledge gaps.

A management advisory group made up of representatives from the Michigan Departments of Natural Resources (DNR) and Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Partnership for the Saginaw Bay Watershed met annually with the project from the beginning of the research to help guide research questions and approaches. The May 22 meeting is the culmination of the project, bringing management concerns full circle to science-based recommendations.

For more information, contact Felix.Martinez@noaa.gov or Elizabeth.Turner@noaa.gov.