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North Carolina Coastal Atlas Debuts with NCCOS Support

Published on: 09/23/2013
Research Area(s): Coastal Change
Primary Contact(s): alan.lewitus@noaa.gov

Building on nearly 10 years of NCCOS-sponsored research on sea level rise in North Carolina, a multi-institutional team led by East Carolina University recently launched a new online coastal mapping and information system. The North Carolina Coastal Atlas is an interactive system that combines physical, ecological, and human use data to support education and coastal management. Thematic maps in the atlas allow technical and non-technical users alike to examine and interact with geospatial information on topics such as coastal hazards and shoreline change.

Dr. Thomas Allen of East Carolina University (ECU) produced the North Carolina Coastal Atlas with a team of co-partners, including: the Renaissance Computing Institute at ECU, The Nature Conservancy, and NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. The NCCOS Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise Program funded this project with additional support provided by North Carolina Sea Grant, the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, and East Carolina University.

For more information, contact Alan.Lewitus@noaa.gov.



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