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NOAA Joins International Coastal Cleanup, Removes 157 Pounds of Debris in North Carolina

Published on: 10/28/2015

As part of the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup last month, 18 participants from NOAA, North Carolina Coastal Reserve andNational Estuarine Research Reserve, and Duke University Marine Laboratory removed 157 pounds of marine debris from the coastal marshes that surround Pivers Island in Beaufort, NC. Debris was cataloged according to the Ocean Conservancy guidelines and all data was submitted to be included in the 2015 report.

Due to recent extreme high tides, mostof the debris was located above the salt marsh which allowed participants to pick-up more debris while leaving the sensitive Spartina (cordgrass) untouched. The most frequently encountered items were styrofoam pieces, styrofoam cups, plastic water bottles, and small plastic pieces. The most unique item found was a mop.

This annual event brings all of the Pivers Island organizations together to beautify this special workplace; protect habitats and wildlife; and contribute to an international effort to better understand marine debris.

For more information, contact Jenny Vander Pluym.

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