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July Field Mission in St. Thomas USVI Marine Reserve

On July 20-25, scientists from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) will conduct a follow-up field mission to the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER). The work is part of a project requested by local resource managers to develop an integrated ecosystem assessment for the STEER. Results from contaminants assessment to be published this summer, indicated elevated levels of a banned boat hull antifoulant ingredients tributyltin (TBT) and copper in sediments in a portion of the STEER.

The purpose of the mission in July to look more closely at the areas where elevated levels of TBT and copper were found to inform local resource managers on possible management actions regarding these contaminants. evaluate the levels of these contaminants over time using sediment cores and radioisotope dating.

For additional information on the project and the upcoming field mission, please contact Tony Pait ( tony.pait@noaa.gov ) or Ian Hartwell ( ian.hartwell@noaa.gov ).