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National Coastal Ocean and Estuary Conference Provides Platform for NCCOS Research

The 23rd biennial Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference (CERF), held in Portland, Oregon this November, highlighted the scope of research sponsored by NCCOS including harmful algae and their toxins and ocean acidification and hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) interactions. NCCOS exclusively hosted a major session and co-hosted a second major session with the NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research being (1) accomplishments and challenges resulting from the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) (SCI-143) and (2) the complex nature of estuarine and coastal ocean acidification combined with other ocean stresses, particularly hypoxia (SCI-104 and others).Approximately 60 oral and poster presentations through 24 specific sessions were sponsored entirely or in part by NCCOS research funding.


Since 1990 CERF and NCCOS (formerly Coastal Ocean Program) maintain a successful relationship. CERF advances understanding and wise stewardship of estuarine and coastal ecosystems worldwide as NCCOS works directly with managers, industry, regulators, and scientists to deliver relevant, timely, and accurate scientific information and tools.

See a list of 2015 NCCOS CERF conference sessions and presentations here .

For more information, contact Rob.Magnien@noaa.gov.