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Entangled Bottlenose Dolphin Calf Rescued in Florida

An NCCOS researcher working with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and regional organizations rescued a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calf with monofilament fishing linewound about the tip of its rostrum near Lakewood Park, FL. The entanglement was first reported in mid-January, but as the calf grew the line cut deeper into its rostrum.NMFS, in consultation with marine animal veterinarians, determined that the entanglement would ultimately prove lethal if left alone. After efforts to take action were authorized, NCCOS lead the intervention due to their extensive experience with dolphin rescue efforts.


In early March, the rescue team was able to briefly capture the calf along with its mother, assess and remove the entanglement, provide a degree of supportive care, and subsequently release the dolphins back into the estuarine waters of the Indian River Lagoon. This rescue provided the opportunity to remediate a human-caused impact on wildlife and served as a training opportunity for future responses.

For more information contact Eric.Zolman@noaa.gov.