Project-of-the-Year Awards Showcase Program Successes
Congratulations to the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program(ESTCP) Projects of the Year, recognized for research and technology developments with significant benefits to the Department of Defense (DoD). These outstanding efforts are helping DoD achieve its mission while improving its environmental performance.
Resource Conservation and Climate Change, SERDP Project of the Year
SERDP’s Defense Coastal/Estuarine Research Program (DCERP)
Patricia Cunningham, RTI International
and the DCERP Project Team
(excerpt) An unprecedented multi-year interdisciplinary ecological research program at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune is helping the Department of Defense (DoD) manage its coastal installations in more effective and sustainable ways. The SERDP-sponsored effort, the Defense Coastal/Estuarine Research Program (DCERP), is using mission-relevant fundamental and applied research to produce ecosystem-based management tools that will enable the military both to continue using the installations for essential training and testing missions for decades and to sustain the environmental health of these coastal areas. At the same time, DCERP is serving as a model for ecological research management, by bringing together participants from multiple institutions and disciplines to work for several years at the landscape scale and ensuring the research is linked to practical management questions at coastal installations.
[Note: one member of this project team is Carolyn Currin from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science]
via Ecological Research Supports Training at Camp Lejeune.
See also:Ecological Study at Camp Lejeune Earns Department of Defense Award