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Can Asian Carp Barriers Protect the Great Lakes?

Published on: 02/14/2014
Primary Contact(s): felix.martinez@noaa.gov

Invasive species such as zebra mussels have substantially changed the Great Lakes, with Asian carp poised to become the next and most serious invasive threat. Scientists leading a pioneering NCCOS-sponsoredproject to forecast the spread and bioeconomic impacts of aquatic invasive species haveconducted an expert-based analysis of strategies to keep Asian carp out of Lake Michigan.

The analysis encompasses 17 strategies, including physical barriers, electric currents, air bubbles, sound, and chemicals. Expert estimates show physical separation barriers would prevent about 99 percent of Asian carp access, while electric, acoustic, and bubble-type barriers would prevent about 92 percent. Other strategies were estimated to have lower effectiveness.

The study was published in the Jan. 27, 2014 issue of Environmental Science and Technology .

For more information, contact Felix.Martinez@noaa.gov.

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