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Asian tiger shrimp potential shrimp industry threat

Published on: 05/02/2012

An invasive species is threatening to harm the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico shrimp industry.

Biologists say there are more Asian tiger shrimp in the east than ever.

Last year, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) discovered 331 tiger shrimp in U.S. waters. That's a tenfold jump from 2010.

Tiger shrimp compete directly with native shrimp for food and habitat.

Native shrimp make up the backbone of the shrimp industry, one of the largest seafood industries in the state.

Biologists said they don't know where the tiger shrimp are coming from. They're doing more research to find out.

via The Threats Are Out There: Asian Tiger Shrimp Invade Gulf’s Ecosystem I FlaglerLive.com, May 5, 2012


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