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Aqua Kids Features NCCOS Science on Marine Invasive Species and Aquaculture

A recent episode of Aqua Kids, a children’s television show that reaches over 90 million households, visited NCCOS’s Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research in Beaufort, N.C., to learn more about the center’s research.

NCCOS Researcher shows TV host the invasive lionfish in a holding tank.
NCCOS researcher, James Morris, explains the impacts invasive lionfish have on all types of coral reef communities and how those impacts are being studied.

During the episode, the Aqua Kids explored NCCOS research on sustainable marine aquaculture and how invasive species, such as lionfish, threaten coral reef ecosystems. The Aqua Kids’ mission is to motivate today’s youth to take an active role in protecting and preserving the marine environment. To view the Aqua Kids episode, visit http://youtu.be/7FdgLYf78WM.

For more information contact James.Morris@noaa.gov.