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The Smithsonian’s ‘Part II of the Marine Benthic Algal Flora of Puerto Rico’

Illustration of Udotea flabellum, a benthic algal species generally found in sandy, shallow-water habitats to 10 m depths as well as in offshore algal plains throughout the Caribbean Sea.NCCOS-supported research in shallow and mesophotic coral ecosystems has supported the publication of The Smithsonian’s ‘Part II of the Marine Benthic Algal Flora of Puerto Rico’ –  In all, 2 classes, 8 orders, 25 families, 50 genera, and 150 species occur in the benthic marine communities in Puerto Rico. Learn more: https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/news/marine-benthic-algae-of-puerto-rico-part-ii-published/