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New Guide | Efficient Permitting Roadmap for Coastal Sediment Management

Cover of Efficient Permitting RoadmapNature-based solutions like these dunes improve coastal resilience by countering effects of sea level rise, erosion, and flooding. Sediment is critical for these solutions, but applying sediment requires navigating a multi-agency framework. 

The new “Efficient Permitting Roadmap for Coastal Sediment Management”, supported by NCCOS, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and California State Lands, is a user-friendly guide to facilitate permit review of nature-based solutions along the North-central California coast. It contains a clearinghouse of information from federal, state and local agencies with relevant guidance for protecting our shores state and nation-wide!

Read our news story for more information: https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/news/sediment-management-guide-supports-coastal-resilience-by-identifying-path-to-efficient-permitting/