Lake Erie Forecasted Bottom Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen
These animations show predicted Bottom Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen from 2024-10-21 up to 6 days. Points on the maps represent realtime in situ sensor observations, plotted in the same color scale as the forecast products. These sensor observations are provided by the Great Lakes Observing System, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the Regional Science Consortium, the Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network (RAEON) at the University of Windsor, and collaborations with regional operators of water treatment plants including the Cleveland Water Department and Lake County Department of Utilities, as well as the Cleveland Water Alliance, LimnoTech, and Freeboard Technology (These links are external to NOAA-NCCOS).
Lake Erie
SW Erie
SE Erie
Lake Erie
SW Erie
SE Erie
These animations show the predicted Bottom Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Transects from Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. to Port Stanley, Canada from 2024-10-21 up to 6 days. Points are realtime sensor observations from the same sources listed above.