We’re hiring a Facility Operations Specialist. Applications due 12/26/2024.

Hypoxia Forecast

Hypoxia occurs when the amount of oxygen in water becomes too low to support most aquatic life (typically below 2 mg/L). Hypoxia is an expanding global problem and a symptom of degraded water quality, largely resulting from human activities such as agricultural runoff, burning of fossil fuels, and wastewater treatment discharges. Hypoxic waters can become dead zones for organisms that cannot escape. This directly impacts ecosystem health, and often reduces the value of commercial and recreational fisheries. To help alert coastal managers and decision makers of potential risk for hypoxic zones, NCCOS and partners issue regional seasonal outlooks and operational forecasts.

NCCOS Hypoxia Forecasts

External Partner Hypoxia Forecasts

Additional hypoxia forecasts are produced externally by NOAA partners and collaborators. These forecasts are produced regionally and provide advanced warning of hypoxic events to local stakeholders and managers.