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Data and Reports Explorer

Explore our library of NCCOS Technical Memos and various data sets. Filter by the type of publication, research category, region or contact. To access data and reports predating 2017, please visit the Legacy Publications Explorer.

Texas Coastal Hypoxia Linked to Brazos River Discharge as Revealed by Oxygen Isotopes

Hypoxic conditions in the coastal waters off Texas (USA) were observed since the late 1970s, but little is known about the causes of stratification that contribute to hypoxia formation. Typically, this hypoxia is attributed to downcoast (southwestward) advection of waters from the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system. Here, we present evidence for ...

The black coral fauna (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) of Bermuda with new records

The black coral fauna of Bermudan waters is poorly known, in large part due to the logistical challenges of surveying deep-water (>50 m) environments where most species occur. In 2016, the Nekton Expedition sought to survey the deep-water biodiversity around Bermuda using manned submersibles and mixed-gas technical SCUBA. A total ...

The competing impacts of climate change and nutrient reductions on dissolved oxygen in Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay region is projected to experience changes in temperature, sea level, and precipitation as a result of climate change. This research uses an estuarine-watershed hydrodynamic–biogeochemical modeling system along with projected mid-21st-century changes in temperature, freshwater flow, and sea level rise to explore the impact climate change may have ...

The Continuing Effects of Multiple Stressors in Saginaw Bay

In 2007 the NOAA Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) awarded a grant to NOAA GLERL and a team of partners to study the ongoing effects of multiple stressors on the Saginaw Bay ecosystem. This supplemental issue of the Journal of Great Lakes Research provides an updated picture on ...

The contribution of inorganic and organic nutrients to the growth of a North American isolate of the mixotrophic dinoflagellate, Dinophysis acuminata

Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) is a globally significant human health syndrome most commonly caused by dinoflagellates of the genus Dinophysis. While ecosystem studies suggest that blooms of this mixotrophic dinoflagellate can be promoted by excessive nitrogen (N) loading, it is unclear whether these effects are direct (nutrient stimulation of Dinophysis) ...

The coral core microbiome identifies rare bacterial taxa as ubiquitous endosymbionts

Despite being one of the simplest metazoans, corals harbor some of the most highly diverse and abundant microbial communities. Differentiating core, symbiotic bacteria from this diverse host-associated consortium is essential for characterizing the functional contributions of bacteria but has not been possible yet. Here we characterize the coral core microbiome ...

The Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Replicated Modular Estuarine Mesocosm

The purpose of this document is to establish a consisten method for building and operating the mesocosms systems. Secondly, this document serves to transfer and promulgate the technology, knowledge and experience gained from the past 11 years of research to other researchers. The objectives of this document are four fold ...

The dynamic effects of sea level rise on low-gradient coastal landscapes: A review

Coastal responses to sea level rise (SLR) include inundation of wetlands, increased shoreline erosion, and increased flooding during storm events. Hydrodynamic parameters such as tidal ranges, tidal prisms, tidal asymmetries, increased flooding depths and inundation extents during storm events respond nonadditively to SLR. Coastal morphology continually adapts toward equilibrium as ...

The dynamics of Cuba Anticyclones (CubANs) and interaction with the Loop Current/Florida Current system

Mesoscale anticyclonic eddies along the northern Cuban coast (CubANs) have been identified in the Straits of Florida, associated with the northward shift of the Florida Current (FC) and the anticyclonic curvature of the Loop Current (LC) at the western entrance of the Straits. The dynamics of CubAN eddies and their ...

The ecological basis of fishery yield of the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands insular shelf: 1987 assessment

A literature review was conducted to locate information on the flow of energy from primary producers to the fishery stocks of the Puerto Rican-Virgin Islands insular shelf. This report uses site-specific information to describe the major ecological subsystems, or habitats, of the region, to identify the more common species and ...

The effects of elevated CO2 on the growth and toxicity of field populations and cultures of the saxitoxin-producing dinoflagellate, Alexandrium fundyense

The effects of coastal acidification on the growth and toxicity of the saxitoxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense were examined in culture and ecosystem studies. In culture experiments, Alexandrium strains isolated from Northport Bay NY, USA, and the Bay of Fundy, Canada, grew significantly faster (16 -190%; p<0.05) when exposed to elevated ...

The Effects of Urbanization on Populations of Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes spp in Small, High Salinity Estuaries

High salinity estuaries in the southeastern U.S. have experienced increased inputs of contaminants from nonpoint source (NPS) urban runoff and decreases in habitat due to filling of wetlands and dock/bulkhead construction. Urbanization may pose significant risks to estuarine fauna, particularly crustaceans. The grass shrimp of the genus Palaemonetes, is one ...

The emergence of Dinophysis acuminata blooms and DSP toxins in shellfish in New York waters

The dynamics of Dinophysis acuminata and its associated diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins, okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1) as well as pectenotoxins (PTXs), were investigated within plankton and shellfish in Northport Bay, NY, USA, over a four year period (2008–2011). Over the course of the study, Dinophysis bloom densities ...

The Fate of Microcystins in the Environment and Challenges for Monitoring

Microcystins are secondary metabolites produced by cyanobacteria that act as hepatotoxins in higher organisms. These toxins can be altered through abiotic processes, such as photodegradation and adsorption, as well as through biological processes via metabolism and bacterial degradation. Some species of bacteria can degrade microcystins, and many other organisms metabolize ...

The globally distributed genus Alexandrium: Multifaceted roles in marine ecosystems and impacts on human health

The dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium is one of the major harmful algal bloom (HAB) genera with respect to the diversity, magnitude and consequences of blooms. The ability of Alexandrium to colonize multiple habitats and to persist over large regions through time is testimony to the adaptability and resilience of this group ...

The Green Bay Saga: environmental change, scientific investigation, and watershed management

The Green Bay watershed, draining a total area of approximately 40,468 km2, comprises about a third of the Lake Michigan drainage. In the early years, fur trade was the dominant economic activity within the watershed. Later, when timber harvesting, papermaking, and agriculture came on the scene in the 19th and ...

The influence of anthropogenic nitrogen loading and meteorological conditions on the dynamics and toxicity of Alexandrium fundyense blooms in a New York (USA) estuary

The goal of this two-year study was to explore the role of nutrients and climatic conditions in promoting reoccurring Alexandrium fundyense blooms in the Northport-Huntington Bay complex, NY, USA. A bloom in 2007 was short and small (3 weeks, 103 cells L?1 maximal density) compared to 2008 when the A ...

The Mesophotic, Coral Reef-Associated, Marine Algal Flora of Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea

Deepwater open-circuit scuba, dredging, submersible, and technical mixed-gas (closed-circuit) rebreather diving collections of marine benthic algae made over the last approximately 30 years in Puerto Rico are summarized in this account. In total, 186 taxa (166 identified to species) comprising 60% Rhodophyta, 11% Phaeophyceae, and 29% Chlorophyta are reported from ...

The metabolism of aquatic ecosystems: History, applications, and future challenges

Measurements of the production and consumption of organic material have been a focus of aquatic science for more than 80 years. Over the last century, a variety of approaches have been developed and employed for measuring rates of gross primary production (Pg), respiration (R), and net ecosystem production (Pn = ...

The New Fisheries Economics: Incentives Across Many Margins

New research in fisheries economics addresses incentives across many margins. These margins include within-season effects, incentives to harvest different ages and sizes of fish, responses to ecological disturbances, spatial choices, and multispecies interactions. Even developments in global seafood markets are relevant for understanding contemporary fisheries management. What connects this diverse ...