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New Predictive Tool Helps Managers in Lake Michigan’s Green Bay

A new predictive management tool addresses an issue that confronts Wisconsin resource managers, farmers, environmentalists and fish scientists – too many nutrients, mainly phosphorus, from the Lower Fox River washing into Green Bay leading to hypoxia and harmful algal blooms. The model tool, developed by the Green Bay hypoxia and climate change project and funded by NCCOS’ Coastal Hypoxia Research Program, was designed to include the combined effects of climate change and nutrients on Green Bay.


The interactive prediction model allows its users to evaluate the impact of alternative nutrient reduction scenarios on several key water quality and habitat parameters. Managers can also use the tool to test the nutrient reduction effectiveness of alternative best management practices that could be implemented in the watershed.

Project scientists conducted two workshops introducing the tool to 26 stakeholders and will utilize attendee feedback to refine and ensure that the predictive tool aligns with managements needs for decisions in the Fox River watershed.

For more information contact Felix.Martinez@noaa.gov .