We’re hiring a Facility Operations Specialist. Applications due 12/26/2024.

Lauren Jackson smiles at camera

Lauren Jackson

Jackson is the NCCOS Data Officer with the IT Branch’s Data Management Team. Jackson is focusing on enabling purposeful data management throughout the data lifecycle within NCCOS to facilitate maximizing the value of NCCOS data.

Jackson has a background as a biologist and an environmental data archivist within NOAA. She has spent a lot of time focusing on data, from field data collection to archival, and from that perspective she understands both the viewpoint of the researcher and data manager. She has worked with many programs over the years to bridge the gaps in communication and ensure that data are properly managed throughout the data lifecycle. In her early career, Jackson supported the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) traveling aboard NOAA research vessels conducting fisheries independent stock assessment surveys. She transitioned to the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in 2015 as a lead archivist for marine biological and oceanographic data. Building up her previous experience, Jackson joined NCCOS in 2023 to help build the data program within NCCOS.

Jackson holds an M.S. from the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Coastal Sciences (2010), and a B.S. from Auburn University Honors College in Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures (2007).