We’re hiring a Facility Operations Specialist. Applications due 12/26/2024.

Kaytee Pokrzywinski stands on a dock smiling at camera

Kaytee Pokrzywinski, PhD

Pokrzywinski is a Research Marine Biologist primarily focused on developing innovative strategies for monitoring and managing harmful algal blooms (HABs). Specifically, she has been working on using unmanned aircraft system-based hyperspectral platforms for remotely identifying HAB species. Pokrzywinski has also been exploring novel control strategies for managing harmful dinoflagellate blooms (including red tides) across the country.

Prior to joining NCCOS in 2020, Pokrzywinski served as a Research Biologist at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center leading research in the areas of HAB monitoring, detection and management; water quality monitoring and historic data analysis; and algal biomaterials development. Her primary focus was on investigating novel detection and control methods for cyanobacteria, ranging from molecular and remote sensing-based detection approaches to chemical, physical, and biological cyanobacteria control strategies.

Pokrzywinski received her BS in Biology with a focus in Aquatic Sciences and a Minor in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2010) and PhD in Marine Biosciences from the University of Delaware (2014).