Jennifer Maucher Fuquay, MS

Environmental Scientist
Hollings Marine Laboratory
HAB Monitoring and Reference

Maucher Fuquay is currently the Program Coordinator for NOAA’s Phytoplankton Monitoring Network, a national citizen science program for the monitoring of harmful algae and cyanobacteria in both coastal and freshwater environments. She currently manages the development and implementation of all training, communication, data and outreach for PMN.

Maucher Fuquay has almost 30  years of experience in both research and teaching in laboratory, classroom and shipboard environments. For the past 7 years she has been the Program Coordinator for NOAA’s Phytoplankton Monitoring Network, overseeing  the creation of the freshwater cyanobacteria monitoring program through an EPA Office of Water interagency agreement, for which she received the NOS Team Member of the Year award in 2016.  Previously, Maucher Fuquay managed the HAB toxicology laboratory in the NOAA Charleston lab for 12 years and developed and performed multiple extraction and detection methods of harmful algal toxins in different marine organisms (monk seal, dolphin, sea lion, sea turtles, sea birds) with a research emphasis on toxicokinetics. She currently also teaches evening biology courses at Trident Technical College as she has for the past 17 years, and has global oceanographic research cruise experience on both tall ships and research vessels.  

Maucher Fuquay received her B.S. degree in Biology from Virginia Tech in 1992 and her M.S. in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston (SC) in 2001. 


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