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Ten NCCOS Employees Recognized for Outstanding Work in 2016

NCCOS is honored to have ten of its employees recognized by the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS). The awards recognize outstanding contributions in support of the NOS mission in 2016.

NCCOS Director Mary Erickson joins the NCCOS award winners at the 2016 National Ocean Service Employee Recognition Ceremony. Credit: J. Wickham, NOAA
NCCOS Director Mary Erickson and Deputy Director Steve Thur join the NCCOS award winners at the 2016 National Ocean Service Employee Recognition Ceremony. Credit: NOAA

The 2016 National Ocean Service Awards to NCCOS

Employee of the Year

This award recognizes significant contributions to NOS programs and demonstrated exceptional and sustained effort toward accomplishment of NOS missions.


Todd Neison

(for leadership in migrating NCCOS computing activities to the Cloud)

Christine Buckel

(for enhancing customer service by transitioning and visualizing NCCOS data for management use)

Laura Golden

(for leadership managing recipient financial assistance awards)

Randy Grady

(for promoting a safe working environment)


Richard Stumpf

Gregory Piniak

(for developing a transition plan for forecasting harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie)

Team Member of the Year

This award is presented to members of the workforce who are not NOAA Federal employees for their contributions as recognized by their NOS peers.

Jennifer Fuquay

(for incorporating freshwater phytoplankton into the NOAA Phytoplankton Monitoring Network)

Kathrine Collins

(for developing and automating a Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletin)

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Award

This award recognizes employees who have made exemplary contributions to the NOS EEO and Diversity program and who have displayed exceptional advances toward the improvement and development of the NOS EEO and Diversity program’s mission.

Robert Warner

Natasha White

(for improving and increasing employee and student diversity across NOS and NOAA)

Peer Recognition Rafting

This award recognizes coordination among NOS offices and provides NOS employees the opportunity to express their appreciation to another NOS or NOAA colleague who has helped them in some unique way.

Robert Aspinall – Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services

(nominated by NCCOS for assistance in moving NCCOS computing requirements to the Cloud)


NCCOS received fully half of the Employee of the Year awards, a quarter of the Team Member of the Year awards and 40 percent of the EEO/Diversity awards.

All at NCCOS join together in congratulating the ten NCCOS awardees. We are proud of the contribution of each and are pleased that NOS choose to recognize them with the highest awards that can be bestowed by the Line Office.

The award ceremony was held November 29, 2016 at the NOAA Auditorium in Silver Spring, MD. The event was hosted by NOAA Administrator, Dr. Kathryn Sullivan.

For more information, contact Steven.Thur@noaa.gov.