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NOAA Names Mary Erickson New Director of National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

Published on: 03/18/2014
Research Area(s): Other Topics

Mary Erickson has accepted the position of director for the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS).

image of Mary Erickson, Director of NCCOS

Mary Erickson, Director of the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

Ms. Erickson brings a unique combination of technical experience and management savvy to the job. For almost 30 years, she has focused on successfully moving research and development to operations. As acting director of NCCOS from April to December 2013, she oversaw the continued focusing of NCCOS science in support of the NOS and NOAA missions.

For more than eight years, Ms. Erickson served as chief of the Coast Survey Development Laboratory in the Office of Coast Survey. In this position, she directed a lab focused on developing and improving cartographic, hydrographic, information technology, and oceanographic systems in support of safe and efficient navigation and sustainable, healthy coasts. She actively developed partnerships with other agencies, universities, and the private sector to transfer advanced techniques and technology to effective applications and operations.

Prior to joining NOS, Ms. Erickson worked as a research meteorologist for more than 20 years in the National Weather Service (NWS) Office of Science and Technology. Her early work centered on statistical techniques and model post processing. Later, she managed a wide portfolio of science projects across NWS. She also expanded her experience as the deputy goal lead for the Weather and Water Goal under NOAA's planning and performance system at the time.

Ms. Erickson participated in NOAA's Leadership Competency Development Program and completed advanced management training at the Federal Executive Institute. Her bachelor's degree in Meteorology is from Penn State University and her master's degree in Operations, Research, and Statistics is from George Mason University. We welcome her to her new role!

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