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NOAA Highlights NCCOS and Other Coral Reef Success Stories in Hawaii

Published on: 08/22/2013
Research Area(s): Marine Spatial Ecology
Region(s) of Study: U.S. States and Territories / Hawaii

On August 27, NOAA and partners including the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources co-hosted 'NOAA Reef Smart: Partnering to Improve Hawaii's Coral Reefs' in Honolulu. Nearly two dozen lawmakers, including U.S. Congressional representatives, members of the state legislature, and the Office of the Governor, were expected to attend. The event highlighted recent success stories in collaborative coral reef research from the NOAA-led Reef Smart Initiative. NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program leaders, state managers, and on-the-ground scientists will discuss how their collaborative efforts foster management decisions that support healthy reefs and coastal communities.

For more information, contact Alicia.Clarke@noaa.gov.

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