The Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom weekly bulletin (# 7 issued July 17)provided location and transportof a cyanobacteria bloom that developed unexpectedly in the central basin of Lake Erie.This bloom has impacted the Ontario coast and is only the second bloom to hit thatcentral coast in recent years. Cyanobacteria blooms normally develop in the western basinin August and occasionally move into the central basin in September. These blooms discolor the water, compromise drinking water, and are a danger to pets and bathers. Nearly100 subscribers have joined the bulletin in the last two weeks, bringing the totalto about 650, with almost 10% of those in Canada. For more information contact or
NCCOS Weekly Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletin Tracks Rare Event
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- Science Area(s): Other Topics
- Region(s) of Study: Canada, Foreign Countries
- Primary Contact(s):,
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