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NCCOS Scientist Recognized by NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

A scientist from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Matt Kendall, was recognized by NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS)for his efforts in support of the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Team. Thisproject has required considerable cultural connections to native villages and sensitivity to culturalcommunication and decision-making.

The Fagatele Bay NMS Management Plan proposal, based onNCCOS’ research, provides a creative way to incorporate village needs with the broader programrequirements, while remaining responsive to the governor of America Samoa whose administrationhas been closely involved in the review process. Matt spent several years working closely with the on-site and headquarters sanctuary staff to provide them core scientific information fundamental to themanagement plan development process.His coordination with ONMS was instrumental for ensuring theNCCOS products developed were on target to meet the Sanctuary needs.

NCCOS worked closely acrossseveral federal and territorial agencies and NGOs to incorporate their expertise and data, ensuring arobust and on-target final report, which was unveiled at the October 2011’s US Coral Reef Task ForceMeeting in Florida. NCCOS’s Matt Poti and Brian Kinlan were also integral to the development anddelivery of this report.