Home > Explore News > NCCOS Scientist Discusses Ocean Acidification in Podcast

NCCOS Scientist Discusses Ocean Acidification in Podcast

Published on: 04/15/2016
Research Area(s): Other Topics
Primary Contact(s): elizabeth.turner@noaa.gov

On the morning of April 4, NCCOS scientist Elizabeth Turner joined the host of Living Lab on the Point, Heather Goldstone, to discuss the threat of rising carbon dioxide levels leading to ocean acidification, and its effect on marine organisms like coral and shellfish. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is dissolved into the ocean, forming carbonic acid. This increases the acidity of the ocean, and limits the ability of shellfish and coral to build their carbonate shells and skeletons.

The full podcast recording can be found here. Turner was involved in a recent study finding increasedwater temperatures and acidity are the largestthreats to New England's fisheries, particularly bay scallops, quahogs, and oysters.

For more information contact Elizabeth Turner.

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