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ESRI Awards NCCOS Researcher with Special Achievement Award for GIS Technology Innovation

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) were honored this year withthe Special Achievement in GIS award at the2013 Esri International User Conference in San Diego. This award acknowledges vision, leadership, hard work and innovative use ofEsri’s geographic information system technology. The application, using the ArcGIS Flex API, is a browser-based mapping tool displaying sea floor habitat data collected from over a decade of mapping US coral reef ecosystems.

The international group oforganizations honored this year span numerous industries including:agriculture, cartography, climate change, defense and intelligence,economic development, education, government, health and humanservices, telecommunications and utilities. Other tools developed by NCCOS include the Sampling Design Tool and the Habitat Digitizer Extension, both downloaded several thousand times by users worldwide.

For more information contact Ken.Buja@noaa.gov.