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Macroalgae Aquaculture: Biofuel Production and Reducing Entanglement Risk

DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy (ARPA-E) hosted its 5th annual Ocean Week event in Alexandria (VA) in January, where a wide range of energy experts came together to reflect on the agency’s collaboration and commitment to unlocking the energy potential of the ocean through innovative research and technology.  

To date, ARPA-E has supported 95 projects across 26 states in the development of advanced ocean technologies under their ATLANTIS (Aerodynamic Turbines Lighter and Afloat with Nautical Technologies and Integrated Servo-control), SHARKS (Submarine Hydrokinetics And Riverine Kilo-megawatt Systems), SEA-CO2 (Sensing Exports of Anthropogenic Carbon through Ocean Observation), and MARINER (Macroalgae Research Inspiring Novel Energy Resources) programs and will continue to explore new opportunities to unleash America’s affordable and reliable energy and natural resources.

Top: Ocean Rainforest staff hold up a seaweed line growing giant kelp at their pilot-scale farm Bottom: sugar kelp being farmed in the Faroe Islands
Top: Ocean Rainforest staff hold up a seaweed line growing giant kelp at their pilot-scale farm in southern California (Photo: Javier Infante/Ocean Rainforest). Bottom: sugar kelp is harvested at the Ocean Rainforest commercial-scale farm in the Faroe Islands (Photo: James Morris/NOAA)

The NCCOS Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Team was an Awardee of the MARINER program to carry out, “Geospatial Information Tools and Resources Assessment of Macroalgae Aquaculture for Biofuel Production,” to develop regional and national spatial planning infrastructure and tools, as well as support siting, scalability, and permitting support for a number of ARPA-E projects. This work contributed to the cultivation of macroalgae (seaweed) in the coastal and ocean environment, which holds great potential as a valuable renewable energy source for biofuel while providing ecosystem benefits and reducing environmental harms that can be caused by excessive nutrients.

The MSP Team was also funded by ARPA-E to conduct “Spatial Planning and Entanglement Simulations to Support for Macroalgae Aquaculture Development in California.” To accomplish this, NCCOS is using comprehensive marine spatial planning methodology to support siting of a proposed commercial-scale macroalgae farms in the Southern California Bight. In addition, NCCOS (in partnership with BOEM and BelleQuant Engineering) is conducting a study using a physics-based 3D entanglement simulator tool to assess potential entanglement risk to protected species from the project. This work will support efficient permitting and consultations of the proposed commercial scale farm. 

Ocean Week connects energy scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and industry visionaries to catalyze the future of energy innovation, and NCCOS’ support helps bring those ideas to life to support development of ocean industries.