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International Resource Management Conference Features NCCOS Social Science

The International Symposium for Society and Natural Resources held June 13-18, 2015 in Charleston, SC, featured several NCCOS social science research efforts ranging from socioeconomic monitoring in the US coral reef jurisdictions to social values mapping in the National Estuarine Research Reserves and National Marine Sanctuaries. Eight NCCOS scientists attended the conference, along with other NOAA scientists from the Office for Coastal Management and Coral Reef Conservation Program.

NCCOS social scientists that participated in the International Symposium for Society and Natural Resourses: Matt Gorstein, Jarrod Loerzel, Angela Orthmeyer, Sarah Gonyo, Maria Dillard, and Landon Knapp.
NCCOS social scientists that participated in the International Symposium for Society and Natural Resourses: Matt Gorstein, Jarrod Loerzel, Angela Orthmeyer, Sarah Gonyo, Maria Dillard, and Landon Knapp.

The ISSRM theme was understanding and adapting to change. Drivers of and responses to change, as well as scales of change, were examined throughout the conference. NCCOS science was presented in sessions focused on changing resource management and ecological conditions.

An NCCOS led session focused on NOAA science and products for decision making and included presentations of social values mapping in NOS special places, participatory mapping with coral reef experts in Puerto Rico, socioeconomic monitoring and change detection for US coral reef communities, and social indicators work in coastal communities to assess well-being and vulnerability. Other NCCOS presentations included a study of professional SCUBA divers in the US Virgin Islands to assess local ecological knowledge about coral reefs in the territory.

Sketch Notes from the NCCOS led session provided by Tricia Ryan (NOAA OCM).
Sketch Notes from the NCCOS led session provided by Tricia Ryan (NOAA OCM).

For more information contact Maria Dillard.