Home > Explore News > Coral Connections Expedition in the Gulf: Collecting Baseline Data for Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Aug. 21 - Sept. 2, 2011

Coral Connections Expedition in the Gulf: Collecting Baseline Data for Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Aug. 21 - Sept. 2, 2011

Published on: 08/30/2011
Research Area(s): Marine Spatial Ecology
Region(s) of Study: Waterbodies / Gulf of Mexico

Scientists aboard the NOAA Research Vessel Nancy Foster will be gathering baseline data on fish populations and seafloor communities of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS), in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This NOAA expedition, called Coral Connections in the Gulf is focused on the fish and seafloor communities in the deeper portions of the coral cap, at depths ranging from 110 to 150 feet; several data collection methods will be used, including scuba diving, sonar sensors, remotely operated vehicles and drop-cameras.

To read the expedition blog, meet the scientists, ask questions, view expedition partners, or to get detailed information on the expedition, visit Coral Connections of the Gulf.

Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary map

Expedition research will focus on areas from 110 to 150 feet deep at the East and West Flower Garden Banks

Diverse reef habitat of coral, sponge, macroalgae and fish found at the Flower Garden Banks.

Marbled grouper are common on the reef slopes of East and West Flower Garden Banks.

Marbled grouper are common on the reef slopes of East and West Flower Garden Banks.

Diverse reef habitat of coral, sponge, macroalgae and fish found at the Flower Garden Banks.

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