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New Aquaculture Infographic Available

Published on: 09/03/2015
Primary Contact(s): james.morris@noaa.gov

More than half of global seafood supply now comes from aquaculture and this percentage is projected to increase dramatically in the upcoming decades. Given this increasing demand, industry and managers must work together to develop sustainable aquaculture practices in the coastal zone. To assist with these efforts, NCCOS developed an infographic to demonstrate the many ways that aquaculture supports coastal resiliency: revitalizing working waterfronts, improving environmental quality, and providing a healthy and secure food source.


The infographic portrays oyster, mussel, and algae aquaculture methods which generate local seafood, improve water quality, protect against storm surge, and provide essential habitat. Also featured are fishcultured in net-pens and submersible cages, which can provide environmentally and economically sustainable seafood and diverse maritime jobs.

For more information on this and other research products of the NCCOS Coastal Aquaculture Planning and Environmental Sustainability program, contact James.Morris@noaa.gov.

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