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Annual Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Conference Held Online

Published on: 11/18/2020
Primary Contact(s): suzanne.bricker@noaa.gov
Oyster farmers in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, 2016.

Oyster farmers in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, 2016. Credit: NOAA.

NCCOS's Dr. Suzanne Bricker helped organize, and participated in, the 2020 Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Conference, held online last week as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hosted by the Maryland Shellfish Growers Network and the University of Maryland Extension, the conference provided 164 attendees with the latest information about the shellfish aquaculture industry, including information about training, outreach, and mentoring to support and promote the Maryland aquaculture industry.

After opening remarks from Don Webster (University of Maryland Extension) and a keynote address from Paul Zajicek (President, National Aquaculture Association), the remainder of the program included panel presentations, and question and answer sessions on: Marketing and Branding for Industry Diversification, Technology and Innovation in Aquaculture, Nutrient Credit Trading, and Aquaculture Finance. Danielle Blacklock (Director, NOAA Office of Aquaculture) provided the closing remarks.

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