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Supporting Gulf of Maine Red Tide Forecast

Published on: 10/18/2023
Research Area(s): Social Media

One person on a ship reaches for a sensor suspended above while another holds a rope.

 View over the bow of a ship looking towards a suspension bridge in the distance










Last week, our scientists set sail on an annual research cruise to support the Gulf of Maine #redtide forecast. While onboard, the crew will collect sediment samples to test for Alexandrium catenella cysts, a species that can produce neurotoxins that cause Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) in human consumers. 

Stay tuned to follow their journey.  Learn more about the forecast: https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/science-areas/habs/hab-forecasts/gulf-of-maine-alexandrium-catenella-predictive-models/


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