We’re hiring a Facility Operations Specialist. Applications due 12/26/2024.

Ocean Sciences Meeting | Offshore Wind Presentations – February 22

Ocean Sciences Meeting | Join us in 217-219 at 9:20 to hear our scientists present a new simulator tool that helps reduce entanglement risk in floating offshore renewable energy systems.

[text: Introducing the entanglement simulator: a tool for coastal managers to assess and minimize entanglement risk in floating offshore renewable energy systems. Presenter: James Morris. Thursday, Feb 22, 9:20. Room 217-219.

Ocean Sciences Meeting | Come to 229-230 at 2:00 to hear how our scientists are supporting BOEM, stakeholders, and offshore wind with spatial modeling.  

text: siting offshore wind: How NOAA is supporting BOEM, stakeholders and the offshore wind industry with regional spatial modeling. Presenter: James Morris. Thursday, Feb 22, 2:00. 229-230 second floor.