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NOAA RESTORE Science Program & National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis announce Request for Proposals for the Gulf Ecosystem Initiative

Published on: 11/15/2023
Research Area(s): Social Media

Flat water along a grassy coastline on a cloudy dayNOAA RESTORE Science Program and National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis are excited to announce the second Request for Proposals for the Gulf Ecosystem Initiative. 

The goal of this initiative is to fund synthesis research that works to understand the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem in a holistic manner. 

Awards will support working groups and postdoctoral researchers pursuing pressing and innovative research questions on three emerging themes in the Gulf of Mexico: climate change, fisheries, and ecological impact of management actions. 

Working groups will communicate with experts from Gulf communities and will be encouraged to consider local knowledge when developing research questions. 

Proposals are due by March 15, 2024. Visit nceas.ucsb.edu/gulfeco for details!

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