We’re hiring a Facility Operations Specialist. Applications due 12/26/2024.

National Renewable Energy Day | Gulf of Maine WEAs announced!

Map showing final Gulf of Maine Wind Energy Area
Map of final Gulf of Maine Wind Energy Area. Credit: NCCOS, BOEM

It’s #NationalRenewableEnergyDay! NCCOS is at the forefront of helping BOEM balance wind energy and ocean conservation in many regions of the country, but today we’re focusing on the Gulf of Maine. The final Wind Energy Area (WEA), announced last week, covers approximately 2 million acres – a 43% reduction in size from the Draft WEA. Dive into the details of NCCOS’ spatial planning work that uses the best available science to support these decisions: https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/news/boem-finalizes-wind-energy-area-in-the-gulf-of-maine/