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Competitive research programs funds projects understanding multi-stressor impacts on marine ecosystems

Published on: 12/27/2023
Research Area(s): Social Media


One of the seven iconic reef sites, Cheeca Rocks, is dominated by large populations of star corals and other boulder corals.

One of the seven iconic reef sites, Cheeca Rocks, is dominated by large populations of star corals and other boulder corals. Credit: FKNMS/NOAA

One of our competitive research programs funds projects geared towards understanding multi-stressor impacts on Florida's marine ecosystems–including #CoralReefs and mangroves under different climate change scenarios. This year NOAA announced $4.2 mil for four-year research projects, one of our top posts of the year!

NOAA Awards $4.2 Million for Multi-stressor Research on South Florida’s Coastal Ecosystems


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