This report is the third in an ongoing series of assessments of the condition of coral reef ecosystems in the United States and Pacific Freely Associated states, and the second report to focus specifically on summarizing the results of coral reef ecosystem monitoring activities carried out by federal, state, territorial, commonwealth, private, academic, and nongovernmental partners (Figure A). The chapter authors, who are scientists and managers directly involved in local efforts to conserve and monitor coral reef ecosystems, present data describing the status of water quality, benthic habitats, and the coral reef-associated biological communities and evaluate the impacts of thirteen major threats to coral reefs identified in the National Coral Reef Action Strategy. The authors then briefly summarize the current conservation management activities being implemented in the 15 jurisdictions and provide conclusions and recommendations for future action. This edition of the report also contains a chapter describing some of the many National Level Activities that contribute to coral reef conservation and a National Summary chapter that is based on a questionnaire completed by the local report coordinators and/or writing team members.
The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008
- Published on:
- Science Area(s): Coral, Ecological and Biogeographic Assessments, Marine Spatial Ecology
- Region(s) of Study: American Samoa, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, CNMI, Florida, Guam, Gulf of America (formerly Gulf of Mexico), Hawaii, Pacific Ocean, Puerto Rico, U.S. States and Territories, U.S. Virgin Islands, Waterbodies
- Primary Contact(s):
Waddell, J.E., and A.M. Clarke
Waddell, J.E., and A.M. Clarke
Data/Report Type:
NOAA Technical Memorandum
NOAA Technical Memorandum
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