Home > Explore Data & Reports > Synthesis of Education Programs, Scholarship, Loan, and Internship Opportunities Available to Assist In Increasing The Number of Minorities Working in Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Research Area(s): Internships


Thayer, G.W., P. Cullenberg, and D. Garza. 2007. Synthesis of Education Programs, Scholarship, Loan, and Internship Opportunities Available to Assist In Increasing The Number of Minorities Working in Fisheries and Marine Sciences. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 53. Silver Spring, MD. 19 pp.

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NOAA Technical Memorandum

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The information in the following report was gathered from web-based searches, email communication with colleagues, and phone conversations. This material was gathered to assist guidance counselors, teachers, and minority students potentially interested in marine science or science education of the available opportunities for education and training, and provide information on scholarships and internships. Although we emphasize information pertinent to minority students, much of the material is relevant to any student seeking information on educational opportunities. In most instances, a website is provided so that the interested student, teacher or guidance counselor can obtain further details on the program, scholarship, loan opportunity or internship. This report is divided into six sections, the first of which provides information on documents that emphasize the need for education/training of minorities in the sciences including marine science. Also provided is material students can use to find out about careers in the sciences, some universities that offer marine science education, and curricula that should be considered. The second section deals with existing programs designed to train pre-college students and prepare them either for further education or potential employment in the sciences. The next four sections deal with existing programs in the marine sciences for college-level students, scholarships and scholarship programs, examples of loan programs, and internships and internship programs.

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