Home > Explore Data & Reports > CDHC workshop report: guidance for an epidemiological strategy and establishing a disease surveillance network for Caribbean Acropora palmata
Region(s) of Study: Waterbodies / Caribbean Sea
Primary Contact(s): cheryl.woodley@noaa.gov


Woodley, C.M., S.M. Taylor, C.A. Downs, T.J. Austin, J. Bothwell, A.B. Lawson, M.R. McCord, G. Ochoa-Vargas, M.J. Risk, J. Risk, M.V. Thrusfield, and T.M. Work. 2015. CDHC workshop report: guidance for an epidemiological strategy and establishing a disease surveillance network for Caribbean Acropora palmata. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 197 and CRCP 21. Charleston, SC. 18 pp. https://doi.org/10.7289/V5S75D9J

Data/Report Type:

NOAA Technical Memorandum


Acropora palmata was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in May 2006 (71 FR 26852). In 2012, the National Marine Fisheries Service proposed the reclassification of A. palmata (77 FR 73219) as endangered, but determined in 2014, that they would remain listed as threatened under the ESA (79 FR 53852). This coral is present only in the Caribbean where its existence is threatened by infectious pathogens, pollution, and human activities. There is a critical need to conserve remaining stocks of corals, but the status of this species is unknown in many regions in the Caribbean because the capacity to assess their condition and monitor reefs is lacking. This is particularly challenging in many Caribbean locations (e.g., small island countries). With limited financial and personnel resources, these managers lack access to a coordinated network of collaborators. The goal of this workshop was to provide methods that can assist coral reef managers, particularly those with limited resources, to assess and manage the health of their respective coral populations with a focus on A. palmata as a sentinel species.

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